
8 July 2008

Taming the security risks of going open source

Filed under: descriptors, Open Source, security — David Wood @ 5:05 pm

The Wireless Informatics Forum asks (here and here),

Will an open source model expose Symbian’s security flaws?

I wonder what security implications are being presented to Symbian? In the computing world there’s plenty of debate about the impact of opening up previously proprietary code. The primary concern being that an open source model exposes code not only to benevolent practitioners but also to malevolent attackers…

With much of the mobile industry steering towards m-commerce initiatives, potential security risks must be considered…

How much of the legacy Symbian code will be scrapped and built from scratch according to open source best practice?

First, I agree with the cardinal importance of security, and share the interest in providing rock solid enablers for m-commerce initiatives.

But I’m reasonably optimistic that the Symbian codebase is broadly in a good state, and won’t need significant re-writes. That’s for three reasons:

  1. Security is something that gets emphasised all the time to Symbian OS developers. The whole descriptor system for handling text buffers was motivated, in part, by a desire to avoid buffer overrun errors – see my May 2006 article “The keystone of security“.
  2. Also, every now and then, Symbian engineers have carried out intense projects to review the codebase, searching high and low for lurking defects.
  3. Finally, Symbian OS code has been available for people from many companies to look at for many years – these are people with CustKit or DevKit licenses. So we’ve already had at least some of the benefits of an open source mode of operation.

On the other hand, there’s going to be an awful lot of code in the overall Symbian Foundation Platform – maybe 30+ million LOC. And that code comes from many different sources, and was written under different cultures and with different processes. For that reason, we’ve said it could be up to two years before the entire codebase is released as Open Source. (As my colleague John Forsysth explains, in the section entitled “Why not open source on day 1?”, there are other reasons for wanting to take time over this whole process.) Of course we’d like to go faster, but we don’t at this stage want to over-promise.

So to answer the question, I expect the lion’s share of the Symbian codebase to stay in place during the migration, no doubt with some tweaks made here and there. Time will tell how much of the peripheral pieces of code need to be re-written.

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